Product Manager
Ducting placement using AR
Project : Individual
Role : Unity prototyping, UI/UX prototyping for AR, Object placement in AR
After experimenting with VR, I started exploring Augmented Reality on Google AR Core. One of the applications explored was to use AR to check the size of ducting and trying different variations of it.
I designed the basic app in AR core using Unity 3D. Using the surface tracking for overlaying various ducts at the spots on the ceiling, user can visualize what design of duct makes the most sense.
Types of Ducts
HVAC systems are core part of most buildings. In a lot of buildings air ducts on the ceiling can be seen distinctly. For a specified amount of volume flow rate for a duct, many variations of shapes are possible. Here are a few examples of different ducts which can go in an standard office meeting room with the capacity of 12 people.
Variation 1
Variation 2
Variation 3
Variation 4
Variation 5
App Functions
The basic function of the app was to overlay different variations of ducts on ceiling. It would be accomplished in 3 steps.
Identify the ceiling using AR Core
User selects 2 points on the ceiling which denote the staring and ending of the duct.
Using the 2 points and the plane laid out by ARcore, the app lays down a variation of duct. The user has options to switch between variations.
App Snapshots