Product Manager
Rawlings : Product Design
Project : Collaborative
Role : User Research, UI/UX Design, Prototyping kiosk design, Building business model
We worked on an opportunity for Rawlings (Sports goods manufacturer) to improve the youth glove selection and buying experience for this generation of little league parents and players. Today’s novice little league family faces a challenge when they approach the youth glove wall at their local sporting goods store. They may be entirely uninformed about what to look for in a glove, or be misinformed from biased sources. They usually find glove sizing confusing, often leading to an inappropriate purchase that leaves the player ill-equipped and frustrated.
We proposed a design of a kiosk to directly addresses the major pain points of the little league baseball glove consumer, which will result in increased sales, brand loyalty, and confidence in purchase.
Design process
Phase One: Identifying Possible Opportunities
Exploring the Problem Statement, Insights: Emerging Trends from Initial Research, Preliminary Stakeholder Analysis, Social-Economic-Technological Factors, Opportunity Gaps
Phase Two: Understanding and Selecting Our Opportunity
Value Opportunity Analysis, Must-Shoulds-Coulds, Final Product Opportunity Gap
Phase Three: Conceptualizing Our Solutions
Ideation and Prototyping, Filtering and Decision Criteria, Three Product Solution Finalists, Selection and Validation, Defining the Final Concept Direction
Phase Four: Realizing Our Opportunity
Designing Rawlings Perfect Fit Interactive Kiosk, Form Factor and Design Attributes of the Kiosk Prototype, UX and UI design, User Testing and Impressions, Developing a Manufacturing Plan, Business Plan and Roll-Out Strategy

Idea mapping and rapid prototyping

Kiosk design details and prototype

Sitemap and UI designs